Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thankful Tuesdays!

Last Tuesday,  I was thankful for friends,  today I am thankful for  LOVE  from the best friend one could ever have.  That friend is Jesus!

In the book, “Carolina Mist” by Mariah Stewart, one of the characters says to the main heroine:
“When you get right down to it, Love is all there is.  Everything else –Money, property, material possessions, -- can vanish in the blink of an eye.  But Love is always inside you.  It will always be with you.  No one can steal it from you or rob you of its joys.  No amount of money can buy it for you, nor can it be sold on the open market.  It cannot be swept away by flood or lost to fire.  It is totally portable, costs nothing, but outlasts everything else you will ever possess. There is nothing else that is yours, than cannot be taken away from you, except your memories, of course.  Even death is powerless in the face of love.  And if you do not understand these basics of truths, then I greatly fear for your future, and pray for your soul.”
Mother Thersa’s wrote:
Who Jesus is to me?
Jesus is the Word, to be spoken.
Jesus is the Truth, to be told.
Jesus is the Way, to be walked.
Jesus is the Light, to be lit.
Jesus is the Life, to be lived.
Jesus is the Love, to be loved.
Jesus is the Joy, to be shared.
Jesus is the Sacrifice, to be offered.
Jesus is the peace, to be given.
Jesus is the Hungry, to be fed.
Jesus is the Thirsty, to be satiated.
Jesus is the Naked, to be clothed.
Jesus is the sick, to be healed.
Jesus is the Lonely, to be loved.

I am so grateful that Jesus Loves ME!  Yes ME!  With all my faults and shortcomings, I am perfect, for I am created in his image, and with a Friend like him beside me, guiding my vessel, I can sail through this life, knowing I am as good as I can be.  
He  Loves YOU also.  With a Love that is all encompassing and all forgiving. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thankful Tuesdays!

   On this Thankful Tuesday, I am grateful for friends.  Friends who are there for you through thick and thin, friends who teach you something, who are willing to give you "the shirt off thier backs"  if you need it more than them.
   We have a friend who lives in a (nursing/retirement) home, in another city and is challenged.  Gary has known him for over 15 years.  He is 65 years old and has a limited mentality capacity.  He has lost his mother, his father, and just recently a brother.  Yet his attitude is happy, and he takes such pleasure in all the simple things.  A bottle of pop, a good meal, an ice cream on a stick, watching a squirrel eat a peanut, or a visit from us.  He sits outside, in the rain, the cold, or the heat, on the day he knows we will be there, waiting for us.  He looks forward to our visits. We visit him, and each time, we give him a few dollars to buy a pepsi, or a coke, and he is always so grateful.   His own brother rarely visits him.  
   This man has taught us so much.  He has no idea how he has touched our hearts, he simply knows us as "his friends" no strings attached.
   One never knows who will teach them something.  There is something that can be learned in every situation.
   We are at Jesus' disposal.  If he wants you to be sick in bed, if he wants you to proclaim his word in the street, that's all right, everything is all right.  We must say, "I belong to you LORD, you can do with me, whatever YOU will"  This is the strength and this is the JOY of the Lord. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thankful Tuesdays!

Today, I am grateful for those men and women who are willing to lay down thier lives for our freedoms.  Although I strongly disagree with our Canadian Men and Women being in Afghanistan, I am 100% behind our troops.  Canada has lost 157 Men and Women in this conflict.   The Portraits of Honour Tour was here, and I took some photos.  This Tour is crossing Canada, so that as many Canadians as possible will have the priviledge of looking at it.  It hopes to touch the Hometown of every soldier that we have lost.

May God Bless Each of these young people, and hold in his hands, thier families, giving them strength and aiding them as they mourn thier loved one.

This post clearly shows the needless losses of War, as Gary has mentioned in our posts in "The War Series"

For more information on this Tour, follow the link below: