Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thankful Tuesdays!

    In my last "Thankful Tuesday" post, I spoke of a miracle that God had for me.  This week, I want to relay a little bit of what happened yesterday, Monday Aug 8, a miracle for a stranger.

   I went in to a small variety store, to pick up a few items, and in the process found a wallet.  Although this wallet did not contain a lot of money, it did hold a few ID items, and a few personal items, and I knew that the person who had lost it, would appreciate it being returned. 
   Usually when you find something like that, you would think to turn it into the store owner.  My immediate feeling was to NOT give it to the shopkeeper, for whatever reason, but rather, return it to the owner personally.  Upon returning to the car, I told Gary of what I had found, and set about looking through the wallet, to find a phone number or an address of the owner.  We found an address, and wrote a brief note, in case the person was not home.  We drove to the address and sure enough no one was home, so I left the note in between the doors, and Gary and I headed home.
   We had not been home for more than 15 or 20 minutes and the owner contacted us.  Through our phone conversation, we discovered she was also a Christian, and was thrilled to know that her wallet had been located and was intact.  We offered to drive to her home to bring the wallet to her.
   In meeting her, we hugged, and sat on her porch to chat.  We had a good chat, and she kept saying it was wonderful how God had brought us into her life.  And her into ours!
  Now for the Miracle part.... she lost her wallet on or about JUNE 6th.... and we found it on August 8.  It was MEANT for us to find it, and to connect with her.  God wanted us to meet.   Imagine if you will, how many people had been through that particular store, and no one had found it.... or if they did see it, did nothing to return it. It was simply divine intervention. 

  God works in mysterious ways.  I don't know why God wanted us to meet her...YET... but I am sure his reason is a valid one.  Perhaps she will help us.... or we will help her.  Either way... God wanted us to met, and so we trust he will lead us  all down the path he wants us to walk.


  1. This is an amazing week God works in amazing ways. I beleave he guides our lives even when we doubt it. This week he blessed me by allowing these wonderfull people to find my lost wallet. GOD HAS BLESSED me by bring GARY and KITTY into my life i cant waite to see why god has done this

  2. I'm sitting at home now..tired but thought I needed to come and receive the miracle instead of you emailing it to me girl..lol. I"m glad the Lord gave me a few minutes to come...it blessed my heart. I LOVE when I read something like this or hear about it..it fills me with encouragement, hope and inspiration..shows me GOD...Love ya girl
